The trailer for The Forge’s brand new podcast, The Persuasion Game.
At its core, marketing is an exercise in persuasion and behaviour change… Persuading people to buy your product or use your service is about convincing people to change their behaviour. We believe that there is a huge amount we can learn from marketers about the art of persuasion.
There is also a lot to learn from people from outside of marketing who use persuasion in their roles: e.g. entrepreneurs, barristers and teachers are also masters in the art of persuasion. They influence and persuade their audiences to do what they want them to do.
The Persuasion Game showcases these persuasion experts from inside and outside of the marketing industry and seeks to understand:
- What persuasion challenges have they faced?
- How did they overcome them?
- Where have they had success?
- Where hasn’t it worked so well?
- What can we learn from them?