We are an insight‑driven strategy

and innovation consultancy.

We are an


strategy and



Organisations partner with us to create Future Consumer Value

The Forge is an award-winning strategy and innovation consultancy. We translate what people will care about in the future into commercial returns for businesses.

Questions We Answer

Where are the most lucrative future value pools in our market?
What is our greatest financial opportunity over the next 3 years?
How will changing consumer behaviour affect our category?
How do we create a long-term innovation pipeline built on what our customers care about most?
How should we deploy our portfolio of brands to capture incremental value?
How do we credibly stretch our brands into adjacent value spaces?

Our Services



Drive growth with actionable strategies to increase penetration, frequency and loyalty, and influence behaviour.

Projects include:

  • Customer Acquisition Strategy
  • Customer Journey Mapping
  • Customer Experience Development
  • Behaviour Change Strategies


Leverage the power of brands to form more meaningful and profitable relationships with consumers and customers.

Projects include:

  • Brand Positioning
  • Brand Architecture
  • Portfolio Strategy
  • Brand Creation & Development


Accelerate customer growth through the evolution of your existing products and services and accessing white space with category innovation.

Projects include:

  • Innovation Strategy
  • Innovation Platform Development
  • Foresight-driven innovation
  • Business model innovation
  • Idea and Concept Development

Demand spaces, analytics,

Understand and quantify what drives choice in a market to reveal the largest commercial opportunities for growth.

Projects include:

  • Demand Spaces
  • Customer Segmentation
  • Attitudinal Segmentation
  • Market Sizing


Make sense of your most complex customer and consumer questions to provide clarity, inspiration and clear direction.

Projects include:

  • Digital Shadowing
  • Semiotics
  • Qualitative Exploration
  • Quantitative Methodologies
  • Expert & Leading-edge Studies


At a market, category and brand-portfolio level, we create robust, demand-focussed, board-level models that outline opportunities for future growth.

Areas of application include:

  • Transformation Strategy
  • Category Growth Strategy
  • The Big Framework for Growth

Our Director Only Model

We have a unique director only business model.

We bring deep reserves of experience, wisdom and practicality, and each of us has a proven track record of successfully delivering and embedding growth strategies across a diverse range of categories and organisations.

Importantly, we’ve all made the decision to remain hands-on, to use our experience and innate curiosity to help large and complex organisations move faster and accelerate the delivery of value to customers.

This means you benefit from:

A clear focus on commercial returns

We are outcome driven and always focused on how we can unlock true future value. Nearly all our work involves understanding how we can positively change or shape behaviour, so that we can influence how and where people choose to spend their money.

Hypothesis-led, helping you make more of what you already know

We always start with what you already know and use that to build a hypothesised solution. We then use fresh research to efficiently fill any gaps and test the hypothesis. This enables us to move at speed and develop agile solutions.

Landing actionable solutions in complex environments

We understand how to effectively collaborate with senior stakeholders, and how to secure buy-in across large and complex organisations.

Flexing to your working style

We don’t have a mandatory process, and neither are we wedded to a specific set of tools. We are confident flexing our approach to fit the challenge and your organisational culture and working style.

Delivering impact across a diverse range of sectors

We have developed a deep understanding of how to understand and influence behaviour across a wide range of business sectors, and we apply this to every engagement.


We build the solution with you

We act as a true partner to your business rather than a ‘black box’ solution provider. We bring you on the journey and transfer ownership at completion. 



Demand Spaces 2.0: a tool for C-Suite decision making

The most successful projects are those where Demand Space work is used to support board-level decisions such as growth strategies, capital investments, mergers and acquisitions but they don’t always make it this far up the company. This is how to get them there.


How to survive the creator economy

Influencers and content creators who have successfully monetised their audiences via content and merchandising, are now moving into FMCG spaces, with enviable returns. Rather that seeing this market disruption as alarming, brands should learn from the creator economy to power up their own innovation.


The CMO perspective: The Forge’s talk at Quirk’s London 2024

We were extremely grateful to host two insightful CMOs at our Quirk’s London 2024 panel –Anthony Wells and Mark Roberts. The conversation illuminated several insights on how brand managers can drive volume and value growth. These are our key takeaways:


Getting value from AI. Our learnings so far.

AI has arguably been the biggest conversation in marketing over the last 12 months. Much has been promised (and threatened) about its potential. We have been experimenting with it on several live client projects. It's clear that in certain circumstances it can be an incredibly potent tool, not only for creating efficiencies but for driving greater thinking too. Here are our learnings so far.


Sustainability marketing is dead. Long live marketing in a sustainability world.

Sustainability marketing is based on a fundamentally false premise: because we are selling sustainability, people will buy sustainability. But this is not why people buy. They buy for reasons of 'what’s in it for me' - be that taste, value, utility or something else. The sooner we focus on these benefits, the faster we will sell out sustainable offerings.


EVENT: Forging Perspectives: cutting through the hype – how will AI actually change marketing

AI is arguably the biggest conversation in marketing. We have all heard the dystopian and utopian futures promised; that we will all lose our jobs or we will never have to work again. At our most recent Forging Perspectives event, we assembled an expert panel to cut through the hype and understand how AI would ACTUALLY change marketing.

But Don't Take Our Word For It

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Let us know how we can help.

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